Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Do we still have spirits (ghost)on earth
Do Spirits(Ghosts) Still Linger On Earth?
In your religion, do you believe that there are such things as ghosts?
But what is a ghost?
Although definitions vary, the most common one is that ghosts are the disembodied spirits of dead people that linger on earth.
According to tradition, ghosts are invisible but can permit humans to see them.
The Spirits
Our spirits are all real and though we cannot normally see a spirit separate from a body, they live in the world of spirits awaiting the resurrection when the body and the spirit will reunite to become an immortal soul never to face death again.
There are good and bad spirits.
Satan has a following of bad spirits who were cast out to earth life:
“ And there was war in heaven: Michael [who became Adam] and his angels fought against the dragon;.......And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. ”
They are the bad spirits that are still trying to prompt us to do evil.
Some may call these bad spirits, ghosts, but they are nothing to be afraid of if we follow Christ, because good has power over evil.
Are These Lingering Ghosts The Spirits Of Dead People?
The following questions should be considered when answering the above questions for ourselves.
*If a ghost is the spirit of a dead person, shouldn't a spirit appear unclothed after shedding his earthly body and its garments?
*Is one to conclude that pants, shirts, dresses contain spirits of their own that faithfully cling to the ghost of a person?
What Does the Bible Say About This?
God's Word, the Bible, is the foundation for understanding both the visible and invisible world because God is Lord of both the natural and the supernatural.
You could quickly notice that it never portrays souls as lingering after death. (The immediate destination of heaven or hell rules out that idea. Luke 16:22–23, Luke 23:43, and 2 Corinthians 5:8.)
However,the Scripture affirms the existence of immaterial spirits. Mark 5:2–15 details Jesus's encounter with a man indwelt by a multitude of unclean spirits.
Christ ordered them out but permitted them to enter a herd of swine.
These aren't ghosts; they're demons fallen angels governed by Satan ( Matthew 12:22–28).
But why would demons want to deceive the living by impersonating the dead?
As servants of Satan and enemies of God, they would have every reason to cast doubt on God's Word and its warnings about future judgment.
Getting people to believe in ghosts automatically forces them to reject key Bible verses (see Hebrews 9:27).
No evidence has produced a single fact that should sway a Christian into believing that the spirits of deceased people can loiter on earth.
The only conclusion is that ghosts are either imaginations, or else they are demons.
Do you believe in ghosts?
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